Monday, October 22, 2007

Ready ... Get set ... Go

Over the past 2 days, Keane explained the concept, strategy and rules of the T3B system, together with plenty of examples on reading the charts. It really is KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid), no need to complicate and confuse myself.

Trading is supposed to be easy and relaxing.

After digesting all this knowledge, I can fully appreciate the power of this tool. Now it is up to me to use it to my advantage, as the most powerful tool is still useless if I dun know how to make use of it.

No need to rush myself. Opportunities are always there, whether is bull, bear or rebound market. The system got all 3 covered. All I have to do is observe the charts, wait for the right signals and follow the rules.

Most important is to follow the rules, follow the rules and follow the rules.

I want to trade correctly, dun worry about winning or losing money. If I trade correctly, the money will follow. But if I keep thinking about how much to win, most likely, I will lose.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Today, I attended the T3B system course conducted by Keane Lee.

At first, I have my doubts about whether this system can really help me to trade profitably and how reliable, accurate it is.

2 years ago, I had tried another system, CQintegra, from a local brokerage firm and it had left me feeling disappointed and lose confidence when trading. Perhaps it was my inexperience and not good enough technical knowledge at that time or the system was just too lagging. Hmmm ... Anyway, I did manage to profit a bit but not enough to cover the course fees. As the saying goes "once bitten, twice shy", I have some reservations about searching for the Holy Grail of trading systems. Maybe the truth is there simply isn't any.

My expectation of a system is that it has to be simple to understand and do not need to spend long time to search and analyse for potential trades. It has to show me reliably when to enter and exit a trade, whether long or short. I want to execute trades with confidence, not guesswork, without my emotions involved.

After speaking with Keane personally and listen to how his system works, I'm impressed that it totally fits my expectations. I decided to take up the course and try the system myself.

I will be using this blog as my trading journal when I start to use the system.

It is a means for myself to analyse my own trades, whether winning or losing ones, so as to learn valuable lessons from them.

Trading is a game and it is impossible to win all the time. But with the system, I hope to increase my odds of winning and have more wins than losses in future.

Always cut the losers and let the winners run!!

Rule Number 1
Protect my Capital

Rule Number 2
Never ever forget Rule Number 1

Let me get started on my journey to achieve financial freedom and enjoy living my life. If I have to work, it is because I want to, not because I have to. :)